The No Fuzz circuit is designed to provide an extremely wide range of overall distortion character, from gritty octave drive, through nasty noises machine, up to obese, sputtery fuzz with note bloom carrying wild modulations. It’s very sensitive to playing dynamics and used instrument, also cleans up really well. Stacks great before other dirts to provide extra colour, or can be used after other dirts for utter sonic destruction. It’s not a green-ringer-style mild sweetener, though!
This Blue Colander/Soundman limited edition pedal was made in the context of Music Declares Emergency Portugal participation on the Amplifest’23, in Porto. The circuit design and the overall assemblage was made by Juliusz Śledziński (Blue Colander stompboxes)

Artwork by Pedro Lourenço

1. VOLUME 2. FUZZ 3. True bypass ON/OFF SWITCH with indication led

Filter – simple low pass filter, turn CCW for brighter sound or turn CW for darker sound (it’s set around middle by default),
Balance – Our best advice is to keep it at default setting, which provide the most intensive octave up sounds. Anyway feel free to experiment and turn either way for less octave and more gritty, textured fuzz tones.