PO.BOX-75 April Update

As you might have noticed the whole world has slowed down. For many of you this should be the right moment for having another guitar pedal delivered at your door or at your PObox. Unfortunately we will need to wait for the end of the COVID19 pandemic as we still have to solve some small issues related with the enclosure finishings, there are things that just can’t be done remotely. So yes, it’s a two month delay on this project, at least. We really hope to bring it out during Summer!

We will use nothing but the best NOS electronic components for the first batch of PO.Boxes, including the OC75 trannies. The good news is that we have them in stock, tested and ready for action.

If you are in our “Pedalist” please be patient and keep visiting this News section for updates.

EVOLS III April Update

While the new Evols album was released almost a month ago and is delighting many people, the band’s signature pedal is ready for action but still waits for better days to reveal itselfWe are working on some demos but it has not been easy these days because any gathering would go against the rules of the social distancing that is still required of us all. And we respect these rules even knowing that this pedal, with the right settings, has the ability to eliminate most viruses in just a few riffs.

That said, our suggestion is to go and listen to “III” through Revolve’s bandcamp.

If you are in our “Pedalist” please be patient and keep visiting this News section for updates